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Monday, April 6, 2015

Peek at my Week {April 6th}

Whew! What a week back from Spring Break! We had some crazy moments and we had some stellar moments. It might have taken 3 days to have that stellar moment, but if I have learned anything, it's the little steps that get us to the big steps. 

Mondays always seem to be the day where my kids need to get back into the swing of things...especially after an extended weekend. We have a week full of Acuity testing and an extra special visitor. I am SO excited for one of my previous cheerleaders to job shadow me! My kids are going to be so excited! :) 

Here is a peek at my week! 

I am so excited to start reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with my class! I couldn't help but get excited when I was blog stalking Martina Cahill on Instagram. I was so excited when I saw the new special edition covers! I had to have the whole collection!

Have a great week! 

1 comment:

  1. Do you have this lesson plan template available for download or to purchase?! Love it!!!!
