I. Cannot. Stop. Staring. at my blog! I am so PLEASED to announce (and show off) my BRAND NEW blog design! :) Like the impulsive person I am....I wanted a new blog design the
moment I left the French Lick Blogger Meetup! I found the absolutely AMAZING Gabby from
Gabby's Classrooms and she was so great to work with. Her design is absolutely fabulous and fits me to a T. She was so quick to show me a header preview and the process was so awesome! I am so glad I did some major blog stalking to find her! I am such a perfectionist and had many, many questions and tiny little fixes and she was FABULOUS!

TGIF! We had our first full week back to school since Spring Break and Easter week! It was a crazy, jam-packed week. We tested our brains and took our final Acuity tests of the year! We also had a very special guest in our room. One of my former cheerleaders (who is growing up so fast as a high-schooler) decided to job shadow me on Wednesday. She was welcomed into education with a crazy amount of high fives and chatter from my lovely fifth graders! How could you not love her?!
If you have not tried
GoNoodle. Open a new tab and try it NOW! It is such a fun website! We are so blessed to be able to build-in those super important brain breaks everyday. My kids love GoNoodle for brain breaks and indoor recess. We are
huge fans of
Pop See Ko!
I am so happy we have completed our How-To writing unit. It was so interesting to see what the kids chose, but also how they would do those different activities. We had everything form baking, to biking, to gaming, to sleeping. There was definitely a wide variety of creativity involved in these projects! When they finished, they were able to put it all together and add their illustrations. Here's one of my sweethearts working hard on her how-to booklet:
I am so excited for my first Five for Friday. This had to be my number 5 because it's one of the five things I've been looking forward to blogging about. This is such a fun concept and connects so many different teachers! I truly love reading each Five for Friday. It amazes me how different, but the same, everyone's weeks are!
What have been your favorite things from this week?