Hey, y'all!
MIA doesn't even begin to explain where I've been for the past 3 months. As I wipe the virtual cobwebs off of my blog, let me start by reintroducing myself. My name is Breanna and I'm a kindergarten teacher. ;) Back to my super great excuse as to why I haven't been blogging in
awhile forever. Blogging would pop-up in my mind every-so-often, but then I would get sidetracked and start remembering everything I needed to get done for tomorrow or the upcoming week. If you know me,
total shocker (sarcasm). ;) To get back in the swing of things, I thought I'd share a quick monthly review of how things have been going in K since the end of September and throw a few pictures in here and there. Going from about 35 days to now 88 days in kindergarten is a
huge jump for these little 5/6 year old kinders! My, oh my, how they've grown! :)
{The 10th month of the year aka almost way too long ago that I don't remember what happened. :) }
-Endured the craziness of Halloween
-Survived Red Ribbon Week dress-up days
-Made glow-in-the-dark goo to go with our
Goodnight Goon story
-Conferences: We decided to hold these conferences at the beginning of November. Our school holds parent-teacher-student conferences using the data the kids keep in their personal data binders. This was so awesome to see them take ownership of their learning and really show their parents how much they've grown and what they still might need to work on.
-Stone Soup: reading the different versions, comparing them, making the soup
-Little Turkey Hats
-Thanksgiving placemats for a parent keepsake and to eat our Stone Soup on :)
-Break-throughs in writing workshop and directed drawings...I have a little one who likes to constantly peek at my drawings that I do with them when I am not conferencing. I almost had tears in my eyes when I saw how her drawing looked exactly like mine, but she added her own words to match the picture!
**Link to my FREE
Parent-Teacher-Student Conference Forms

December: (I will make sure to do individual posts about classroom Elf on the Shelf ideas and Parent Gifts)
-Stella our Scout Elf arrived
-eLearning Practice Night
-Reindeer food
-Gingerbread Hunt
-Parent gifts
That was an extremely quick way to recap three months of A LOT of learning in Room 32. How does time fly by so fast?